Sky Day
Role Art direction, design & illustrations for an event
Skills Typography, graphic design & illustration for print
Software Illustrator, Photoshop & Indesign
I worked with an events team as the lead designer for a summer day event at Sky for employees across 2 different sites. I worked from concept and pitch through to delivery. The concept of "Circus meets Festival" was used for the branding, logo, signage, props, maps and t-shirts.
The title treatment and circus geometrical shapes were the consistent assets that linked the messages and props throughout the sites.
• Title treatment development
• Graphical assets
• Design for the large floor vinyl zone directions
• Design for the photo opportunity prop
• Map designs for 2 different locations
• The event staff t-shirt
• Examples of some of the signs and posters ranging from A4 - A0
Sometimes I post stuff on instagram
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